I know you don’t recommend leaving the wave armor dock in for the winter but do you have customers that do? Have they experienced issues? Should I take out the posts? Any recommendations or guidance you can provide the better? It does seem like over the past few years that the dock almost floats up on top of the ice but in the past few years we pulled the posts and floated it by shore because they lower the lake level so it essentially rests on the shore once the lake is lower. One year I had a damaged post brackets because the dock got pushed up against the steel seawall so I am almost thinking it would be best to just leave it there and pull the posts so it can freely move. Thoughths?

Wave Armor highly recommends taking docks and ports out of the water during the winter months if ice is present as it can cause severe damage to the dock and ports.  Covering the Wave Ports during the winter months is a good practice as it  keeps the ice and snow from accumulating in the wheel pocket areas. If able, standing the ports on end will help keep snow and ice off the bed of the Wave Ports.   Because Wave Armor cannot control the forces of moving ice no warranties will be accepted for damage caused by the ice.

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