Types of Floating Docks for Jet-Ski

Floating Dock for Jet Ski

Wave Armor’s floating dock for Jet Ski and PWC provide the best option on the market for an effective, convenient, low-maintenance, secure, and attractive docking option for your PWC. If you’re looking for a drive-on/roll-off floating dock for Jet Skis, look no further, you’ve found the markets virtually unsinkable docking system that looks better than any of its competitors’ products.

The EVO6 Wave Port floating port for Jet Skis is a new item from Wave Armor, introduced this year (2018) with updates to their classic SLX PWC ports to provide you with the best housing platform for you and your PWC. The EVO6 model is designed with an additional six inches on either side of the platform specifically for standing room. The additional room gives you the ability to easily move around your PWC as you mount/dismount as well as moving from the floating Jet Ski dock to the main dock. This floating port for your Jet Ski is compatible with almost all types of dock. Connection kits allow you to adapt the EVO6 to a current Wave Armor Wave Dock, other brands of floating docks, permanent docks, or anchored as a free-standing platform.  Furthermore, the molded-in mounting pockets in each corner allows a plethora of anchoring options, complimenting whatever layout of dock you have.

With a weight capacity up to 2,200 pounds and molded indirect connections pockets – that allow you to mount the platform as close as possible to your dock – you can be sure that the Wave Armor floating dock for Jet Skis is stable enough to securely store your PWC and safely accommodate you as you drive your PWC on and off the platform. The sturdy design ensures you won’t have to worry about punctures – as the two roto-molded polyethylene shells are filled with foam. The buoyancy and structural integrity of the platform is only increased with the integrated side pontoons. If even more buoyancy and stability are desired, Wave Armor has several accessories that can be added to your floating Jet Ski dock, making sure you never doubt the capabilities of your product.  

The Wave Armor floating dock for Jet Skis is designed to make it as easy as possible for you to get your craft in and out of the water. Six-inch wheels, coated in a cushioning polyurethane, allow you to easily drive on and roll off of your Wave Port, without causing any damage to your PWC. A smart stop soft rubber bow stop also gives your PWC the safety you need in securing your craft, without having to worry about any scratches or dents to your crafts hull. The fourteen wheels that provide you with easy and smooth transitions to and from the water are also adjustable, allowing a custom fit for your PWC.

The EVO6 measures a bit larger than other Wave Ports, at four to six feet wide and just over fourteen feet long, giving you’re a stable, roomy, and secure floating dock for Jet Ski.